Monday, August 13, 2012

I fell like I need to be creative or I need to be destructive.
Where are all the good men dead, in the heart or in the head?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

flex your hooked claws and sniff like a dog at the stench of our decaying minds

Everything she grew she used for food or medicine.  Despite laws protecting edible plants, her entire garden is gone.  Destroying a persons ability to feed and take care of themselves is not the conduct of a fair and just government.  Fuck you Tulsa.

Seriously FUCK EVERYTHING about what this person is saying.

It looks like they awoke Hexxus in Richmond California yesterday...

only half of you will get that

Monday, August 6, 2012

How many of you believe which side of this story?
Sikhism is one, on a very short list, of the Monotheistic religions I endorse.

Cleaned out my email inbox sense of accomplishment: level 7 productivity: level 3

 a Bad Ass Mother Fucker, my new role model, and also my ShorDurPerSav.

The world never needed Jersey Shore. Can you imagine a group of people actually asking to watch what they put on TV? "Uh yeah, can we get self involved loudmouths and adult children? Can we get a show about the success of children dressing like whores?" Just imagine how ridiculous it would sound if average people were sitting there requesting the crap they put on TV. No, nobody asks for this crap, its only thought up so that we will stare in horror and morbid fascination.

100% Successful Landing!!!!

 Today I learned that you can wear a mohawk while working for NASA's JPL


I am 30 years old and have never seen any of the Rambos. This is about to change.

 Your tax dollars hard at no work.

 "So here's is a dumb thing. There is a program called 'MainStreet' that is supposed to help small businesses impacted by streetcar construction. It has a 10 million dollar budget. But instead of making those funds available to the affected businesses, it is used to hire consultants that then offer them 'business counseling'. We do not need business counseling. We need business and we need capital. Why should a group of consultants profit from money meant to help small businesses through this very hard time, instead of the businesses being able to us the funds in ways that will actually help them?"

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's amazing how distorted people's perspective has become when they can no longer judge an act of kindness versus a potential threat.
Do or do not, there is no spoon.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Why is there no DSM IV for the addiction to money?

For my fellow males out there.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

21 trillion in untaxable offshore accounts.  That would be $3000 for every person on the planet.  Fuck this shit, tax the super rich.
*sigh* bring on the hate mail...
"Anybody in this country who wants to kill a lot of people in a crowded public space can do so fairly easily. The fact this almost never happens indicates how wildly overstated the threat of terrorism is in America today."
I looked up the word bigot just now and after reading the definition it reminded me that I hadn't checked facebook in a while.

Friday, July 20, 2012

I think.... I think I'm inlove.
The Pigeonhole Principle: if you drill n+1 holes in n pigeons, then at least one pigeon has more than one hole in it.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

sent this to my sister

Thought you would be interested.  this is where most of the peeps are yo
to the slackhole

This is delicious.
Here's to 41 years of sliding dollar prices.

Oh god these are so spot on.

added this image

fackbook backup